Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Judgmental people

After all the experiences that Ive had in my life
Ive only learned to accept everyone for what they
are not what they look like or what color skin
they have or what has happened to them in the past
because I dont like being judged so I dont judge
others . No matter who you are , no matter what 
mistakes youve made , no matter what youve been
through , no matter what race/culture/religion .
I will never judge you and thats a promise I wanna
live by.

People who judge especially when it base on money .
I cant stand it . I know how it feels to be judged
as a poor kid because I came from 'not-really-rich'
family but my dad always tried his hardest to provide
us . When I was young if we went into the shop my dad
would be all like 'dont touch that' 'dont ever ask
anything' 'lets go out' hahaha . But now , I thanked
Allah SWT for all the sustenances that he gave .
Alhamdulillah and syukran because now I have a permanent
roof over my head.

I dont think you should judge anyone until you have
walked in their shoes .

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