Monday, January 13, 2014

itu suami..

this what I want and supposed to post before..

"Dear you my beloved future hubby, who I cant mention your name now.

Allah has already written your name as my spouse. And what I need to work on is my relationship with Him. I have to fall in love with Him first. And He will give the right person-you-that I deserve in the right time. He will send you to me when I'm ready. It's only a matter of time. Allah wrote down your name next to me before He created the heaven and the earth. 50000 years ago it was already written who I'd be marrying with. May you are the one whose heart is attached to Allah. I know love is not just about finding a good partner, it's also about being a good one. My heart should be so lost in Allah that you need to seek Him in order to find me. Let's become ourselves best. Lets get closer to Allah. And the closer we get to Allah, the closer we are to each other. InsyaAllah.

Dear my beloved future hubby, Please be my imam for my prayers. Be my qari and reads the Qur'an for me. Be the one who leads me to Allah. Be the one who makes my imam rise, be the one who reminds me of Allah because your love for me is indeed true, be the one who brings me closer to Allah because you truly love me, who makes me more pious and who helps me here in the dunya because you want to meet me again in Jannah. And we will be the one who love each other for the sake of His Glory. That's all I'm asking for, that's all would make me happy. I'm always thinking of you then making lots of do'a for you, for me, for us.

Dear my beloved future hubby, please meet my guardian soon, that's more worth to me than 1000's of sweet words and promises. Then, I will reserve a space in my heart for you who make an effort to be a part of my life. And when you tell me that you want my feet to be your kid's Jannah, I would so say YES. Then we will happily ever after because we're gonna step into Paradise together insyaAllah. Is that the true love we should work for, isn't it?

Dear my beloved future hubby, you don't have to drive any BMW or Mercedez to be handsome. Be an imam in prayers. That's how I define handsome. You dont have to have a nice voice and hush me with lovely songs. Recite the Kalamullah, Al Qur'anul Kariim. That's how I would melt. And you don't have to be rich for me to love you. Please have a kind heart. That's more than enough for me. "Nobody's perfect", as what you always said to me. You are nobody. So, just be a man who is a slave of Allah. Because a man who reminds me to fear Allah is my true companion worth more than anything and everything this world can possibly offer. And I truly know that appearance is no guarantee of happiness and if I focus on those factors, then I will likely find myself mismatched and brokenhearted. I won't be shallow look for more factors in a suitor then wealth, appearance, and lineage.

Dear my beloved future hubby, I just want to be the one you call your wife. Your presence will give me happiness. You'll be my halal prince charming. Riding your horse of Taqwa. Holding onto the Qur'an in your right hand and the Sunnah in your left. I hear you're worth to wait. So I'll wait InsyaAllah. My heart belongs to no one. I just thought I should let you know. It belongs to Allah and only Him. You'll have to get lost in Him to find me and even then you'll still have to rightfully become a part of my heart. Only through Him. What I know I am".

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